Friday, December 20, 2019

"We are witnessing a surreal collusion between the nation's former top intelligence officials and the progressive media"

In PJ Media, Victor Davis Hanson writes in part,
Former FBI Director James Comey and deputy director Andrew McCabe, former CIA Director John Brennan and former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper have lots of things in common.

One, they ran the nation's key intelligence and investigatory agencies under former President Barack Obama. They were deeply involved in the "Russian collusion" hoax. And they participated in the surveillance of the Trump campaign and transition.

Two, Comey, McCabe, Brennan and Clapper have all lied either under oath or in the public sphere.

In testimony before the House Judiciary and oversight Committees, there were 245 occasions on which Comey claimed he couldn't remember details or couldn't answer questions.

Three, all four of these former intelligence chiefs detest the president of the United States.

In sum, we are witnessing a surreal collusion between the nation's former top intelligence officials and the progressive media -- beyond even the nightmares of so-called conspiracy theorists.

As employees of the media, they sell their checkered government service to exonerate themselves while confirming the anti-Trump biases of their paying hosts.
Read more here.

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