Thursday, December 19, 2019

"The walls are closing in, not on Trump, but on James Comey."

Daniel John Sobieski writes in the American Thinker,
The walls are closing in, not on Trump, but on James Comey.
He lists some of the many lies of James Comey, who, after meeting with Obama on January 5, 2017, met with president-elect Trump the next day. Andrew McCarthy wrote in National Review,
The plan on January 6 (i.e., the day after Director Comey met with President Obama about next steps in the Russia investigation) was for Comey to hit the president-elect with a Steele-dossier allegation: the salacious and unverified claim that Trump had cavorted with prostitutes at a Moscow hotel in 2013, and been covertly recorded doing so by Russian intelligence.

That’s not a briefing. It is Criminal Investigations 101: Get the suspect talking so a comfort level is established, then zing him with something that will rock his world. Thus confronted, a suspect will often blurt out either an implicit admission of guilt or a false exculpatory statement. Either one is a home run for the investigator.

And make no mistake: Comey was the investigator. The zing was elaborately planned, and so was the post-mortem. A bureau car equipped with a secure computer would be at the ready. While Trump’s words were still ringing in Comey’s ears, the then-director would begin typing out the then-president-elect’s reaction to the ambush -- his responsive statements, his reasoning if he had tried to justify himself, his demeanor.
Read more here.

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