Thursday, December 19, 2019

"The Senate's duty is clear!"

Senator McConnell last night:
...The vote did not reflect what had been proven. It only reflects how they feel about the President.

‘The Senate must put this right. We must rise to the occasion.

‘There is only one outcome that is suited to the paucity of evidence, the failed inquiry, the slapdash case.

‘Only one outcome suited to the fact that the accusations themselves are constitutionally incoherent.

‘Only one outcome that will preserve core precedents rather than smash them into bits in a fit of partisan rage because one party still cannot accept the American people’s choice in 2016.

‘It could not be clearer which outcome would serve the stabilizing, institution-preserving, fever-breaking role for which the United States Senate was created… and which outcome would betray it.

‘The Senate’s duty is clear. The Senate’s duty is clear.

‘When the time comes, we must fulfill it.’
You can spend 43 minutes watching him deliver his speech, or read the transcript made available to us by Sundance in the Conservative Treehouse.

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