Monday, December 23, 2019

Psychic powers of the Media-Democrat Complex

Ace of Spades writes,
Rudy Giuliani Alleges That Fired Ambassador "Masha" Yovanovich Blocked Probe Into Money-Laundering Operation
—Ace of Spades
The entire media is calling this a "conspiracy theory," which confuses me-- when a Democrat oppo research group shit out an actual conspiracy theory, they insisted on three years of investigation, including illegal surveillance of US citizens, to try to verify it.

But this, they know, on first sight, without any actual investigation, is a "conspiracy theory" unworthy of further consideration.

In addition to being the most virtuous, most intelligent, and most educated humans who ever lived on the earth, it also turns out that our Media-Democrat Complex is skilled in using psychic powers such as precognition.
Read more here.

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