Wednesday, December 11, 2019

" Nancy Pelosi does not fool non-Catholics when she does her “as a Catholic” charade. She is pure hatred. She “prays for him every day”? Yeah, right. She preys for him every day."

In the American Spectator, Dov Fischer writes in part,
In essence, among several “takeaways” from Pelosi’s “as a Catholic” gambit, two are especially pertinent here:

Any time a hate-driven, narcissistic, power-hungry politician says “as a Catholic,” you can tune out the rest of it. Do not blame Catholics for what the politician says next. It is baloney, confirming the old adage that you can always tell exactly the moment a politician is lying to you: namely, when their lips start to move.
You just cannot stereotype people. The fact that some of America’s most influential and outspoken leftists are Catholic does not mean much different from the fact that some of America’s most influential and outspoken solid conservatives are Catholic.

...Many of the “as a Jews” actually are anti-Semites of Jewish ancestry. Hard to believe? Really? Have you never seen a Catholic publicly desecrate and execrate Catholicism? How about this iconic moment? And so Karl Marx’s father started as a Jew, then converted to Christianity, the religion in which he reared his Jew-hating son, Karl. Karl Marx devoted much of his life to hating Jews and Judaism. He was like a Hitler, only without the power. But closer to home, it has been an American “as a Jew” powerless communist, Bernie Sanders, who opened the doors for anti-Israel prejudice to find a newly honored place in the Democrat party. He made anti-Israel bigotry an acceptable position to take because “as a Jew” he gave it credence. “As a Jew” he responds to each anti-Semitic rant by Rashida Tlaib and says it is fine. “As a Jew” he regularly gives his blessing to Ilhan Omar’s Jew-hate. And the Jew-haters then reciprocally endorse Sanders. Res ipsa loquitur — the thing speaks for itself. Dov Hikind, a New York assemblyman of 35 years, recently has written,

"[A]rming antisemites with one’s Jewishness is perhaps the greatest and most vile of sins one Jew can commit against another. That’s why Bernie Sanders rightfully deserves to be called an antisemite.… But what absolutely confirms that Bernie is a self-hating Jew who uses his identity to provide cover to the worst kind of Jew-haters like Linda “don’t humanize Israelis” Sarsour, his proud presidential campaign surrogate, is his lack of reaction to her latest antisemitic tirade.… Instead, he’s reinforced the notion that even a Jew can be an antisemite, and when they are, they end up being worse than the antisemites themselves. With Jews like Bernie, who needs antisemites?"

Even Sanders’ staffers include Jew-haters. Thus, Darius Khalil Gordon was named deputy director of constituency organizing for Sanders. His tweets were exposed by other media as so anti-Semitic that Sanders had to fire him. What does it say about whether or not Sanders is an anti-Semite when Jew-haters like Linda Sarsour, Ilhan Omar, and Rashida Tlaib all race to endorse him among 20 choices for president while other Jew-haters sign up to play leading roles on his staff and as campaign surrogates? Sanders is part of a long line of “as a Jew” renegades and apostates going back to the Middle Ages and before. In Bernie’s beloved former Soviet Union, where the communist economy resulted in extraordinarily long bread lines that he praised as a “good thing,” Jewish anti-Semites worked in association with Stalin to destroy and eradicate Judaism and Jewish culture, closing down synagogues, banning Hebrew and male circumcision, arresting, imprisoning, and murdering rabbis. In time, fittingly, these “as a Jew” anti-Semites, organized by Stalin in the “Yevesektsiya” of the Communist Party, ultimately “got theirs.” After doing Stalin’s dirty work for him, they were closed down in 1929, and most of their leaders were murdered during the Soviet Great Purges of the 1930s. Even as they were being shot they never figured out that Stalin, the communist Hitler, actually had targeted each one of them “as a Jew.”

Nancy Pelosi does not fool non-Catholics when she does her “as a Catholic” charade. She is pure hatred. She “prays for him every day”? Yeah, right. She preys for him every day. Likewise, non-Jews should not be fooled by “as a Jew” theological miscreants and outright apostates. They agitate against Israel. They call Israel’s duly elected government and leaders by horrible names. They play footsie with Ilhan Omar, sympathize with Rashida Tlaib, and endeavor to force their utterly non-Judaic values onto Israel, as though they have earned a say in Israel’s internal affairs. That is why Israelis and we observant and other politically conservative American Jews know that our best friends in America include so many scores upon scores of millions of Christians all throughout the United States, but not the “as a Jews.” The “as a Jews,” from Bernie Sanders and George Soros to J Street and the “as a Jew” tenured professors who boycott Israel and brainwash college students to hate Israel, all are a disgrace. Moreover, they never have figured out that, in the end, others do not respect people who do not respect themselves. Thus, all their wonderful friends — Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, Elizabeth Warren, Pete Buttigieg — are in the front tier of attacking Israel and its democratically elected leaders and policies with contempt for their “as a Jew” apostates but ever eager to pick their pockets in exchange for a selfie.

Nancy, I see through you. And I see through Bernie Sanders and his ilk. As a Jew.
Read more here.

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