Thursday, December 26, 2019

"Democratic Party / Hillary Clinton operatives were directly involved in the attempt to make Trump look like a Russian stooge."

Michael Van Der Galien reports in PJ Media,
Democratic Party / Hillary Clinton operatives were directly involved in the attempt to make Trump look like a Russian stooge. ...British ex-spy Christopher Steele shared more fake conspiracy theories with the FBI than just his infamous Steele dossier (with the pee story in it). At least three Steele assertions went to the Crossfire Hurricane team. Every single one of them was -- wait for it-- was untrue.

...This information was given to Steele, not by a Russian source, but by "two longtime Hillary Clinton operatives and liberal former journalists, Sidney Blumenthal and Cody Shearer." In other words, Democratic Party / Hillary Clinton operatives were directly involved in the attempt to make Trump look like a Russian stooge.
Read more here.

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