Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Brilliant...just brilliant!

In the Ace of Spades blog, Coblogger CBD writes this about Iran:
Iran is the world's foremost enabler of terror (Islamic and otherwise), conductor of terror, and creator of religious unrest throughout the Middle East and other parts of the world. It should be a pariah among nations, and the world should join together to end the 40-year reign of terror by the mullahs who rule it. Yet the world likes Iran's oil, and likes the idea of another large market to which they can sell their machine tools and exotic metal alloys and electronic components and other goods with which Iran is busily building a nuclear weapons infrastructure with the singular and fanatically focused goal of building nuclear weapons to use On Israel (Little Satan) and America (Great Satan).

Iran Dispatches a Senior Commander of the Shiite Foreign Legion to Southern Lebanon
Iran is implementing its strategic aim of turning Syria into a zone of Iranian influence. Ultimately, Iran wants to build a military infrastructure so that it can pursue its jihad against Israel on two fronts: the Lebanese border and the Golan Heights. Here, too, Iran prefers to make use of a proxy. In addition to Hizbullah, Iran is laying the groundwork to absorb tens of thousands of fighters of the Shiite Legion as they wind up the war against the Islamic State to the region from the outskirts of Damascus to the Golan Heights.

This is exactly how they do it, and how they have been doing it for two generations. They provide advisors and matériel and funds (thanks Obama!) and funnel fundamentalist Islamic "fighters" wherever they are needed. They provide political protection, bribe, blackmail or murder their opponents, and generally destabilize every single country in which they have a presence.

Every single day that goes by without the World, specifically the West vigorously pushing back against Iranian expansion and influence is a day closer to their end game, which is global war and the arrival of the 12th Imam.

Yup. They relish chaos and war and all of the things that modern society tries to avoid. Because they believe in an apocalyptic version of Islam that requires global conflagration before their version of the Messiah returns.

And the world keeps trying to buy their oil and relax the sanctions and sell them modern technology.

Brilliant...just brilliant!

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