Wednesday, December 04, 2019

America's changing demographics

Pedro Gonzales writes in American Greatness about America's changing demographics.
In 2000, Texas was split 47 percent nonwhite to 53 percent white. By 2017, figures from the Texas Demographic Center showed a massive shift: 58 percent nonwhite to 42 percent white.

The most common age for minorities is 27, according to Pew, compared to 58 for whites.

...Instead of solutions, conservatives insist on pointing to exceptions to signal their enlightened “anti-racist” bona fides. Exceptions—Candace Owens, Michelle Malkin, and myself included—do not negate the rule: demographics are an engine of war against the traditional institutions, culture, and people of America. And the Left has become bold about this. As Jorge Ramos confidently put it, “there’s nothing really [Americans] can do against this incredible demographic revolution.”
Go here to read his suggestions as to what Trump and his base can do about America's changing demographics.

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