Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Who wants to rub noses with deplorables in Iowa and New Hampshire when you can just spend your money on votes in California?

Seth McLaughlin reports in the Washington Times,
A couple hundred thousand Democrats will brave a cold winter’s night in Iowa on Feb. 3, 2020, attending the caucuses for what has traditionally been the kickoff of the party’s primary season.

But this time around, California will be joining them.

The state has moved up its primary to March 3, looking to get in on the early action. And since the state allows early voting 30 days in advance, it means some people will have already cast live ballots on the same day the caucus kicks off.

Indeed, the same day that Iowans caucus, it’s possible that more people will be casting absentee ballots in California.

That could be a major boost to big-budget candidates who don’t want to compete in the retail politics world of Iowa and New Hampshire but would rather battle over the airwaves for the bigger prizes looming just weeks later.
Read more here.

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