Monday, December 10, 2018

We are living on their plantation and we must all toe the line! But Trump has challenged their power!

Does it make you more tolerant when someone silences you? Definitely not! Kevin Hart is "standing his ground" against the cowards at the Motion Picture Academy.

Information is coming out that Rod Rosenstein had discussions with top FBI officials about what they could do to "reign Trump in. Andrew repeatedly describes it as a "power grab." We are living on their plantation and we must all toe the line! But Trump has challenged their power!

Trump and Klavan are just not quite like other people. They don't care what the swamp creatures say about them! If you are the kind of person who does not cower to those in power, you will be vulnerable as they come after you!

Michael Knowles is Andrew's guest to talk about the E.U. and Brexit. England's Prime Minister Theresa May is flying all over Europe trying to get them to agree to another Brexit vote which George Soros is sure to get those votes counted right this time! When you enter into these supernational organizations, you can't leave!

Andrew points out that the Brits are more connected to us than to the rest of Europe. The E.U. is being run by Germany! They won!

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