Saturday, December 08, 2018

Under the MistleWoes

Guest post
by Suzann Darnall

Let us be very clear on one thing, the attacks on traditional Christmas cartoons, music, and other holiday traditions is not about the Left taking higher moral ground. It is plain and simple about trying to destroy Christmas in the Christian sense. It is about stripping Christmas of all the spiritual, moral, ethical, and traditional aspects, thus leaving a mere shell of the holy day turned holiday that is supposed to celebrate the birth of the Lord Jesus Christ.

The uproar about “Baby, It’s Cold Outside” loses any and all reason for being if one simply does an internet search about less traditional holiday songs, especially under the genres of pop, rap, and rock-n-roll. The titles and lyrics that I found are not appropriate for me to share in my generally “G-rated” essays. The Left and Femi-Nazis are agonizing that the flirtatious lyrics of “Baby, It’s Cold Outside” are about date rape, ignoring the historical fact that the song was first sung by a woman to a man.

Well, let me tell you, “Baby, It’s Cold Outside”, is totally “G-rated” when compared to titles and lyrics I found about weapons, pimps, prostitutes, sexual assaults, and more. Worried about women being diminished? The Left might wanna look at some of the newer holiday music being aired and shared!

I cannot even start to understand why the Left hates “Frosty the Snowman” except that he is white. Ummm . . . kinda ‘cause he is an imaginary figure made of snow, which is usually white. Unless winter has now been declared racist as well for turning parts of the world into white landscapes with snowfall. I mean, I am not a fan of snow. But, that has nothing to do with its color. It has to do with hating cold. It’s gotta be cold for snow and I do not need that!!!

The Left declaring “Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer” unsuitable and problematic is just as ridiculous. I will grant you that it is not my fav holiday cartoon, but for entirely different reasons. The high-pitched voices are annoying to me. But, the story line is a good one for children to learn about how people should be treated. Don’t bully. Be inclusive. Forgiveness. Protect one another. Sharing. There are too many lessons to even list them all. I would think a movie encouraging us to be ourselves would be celebrated by the Left. I would think a movie about a kind male protecting a threatened female from a violent male would be acceptable even to the Femi-Nazis.

But, it is exactly because these traditional holiday presentations and many more are about morals and ethics that they are being ostracized from the fare of holiday viewing and listening. Yes, I am aware that “Baby, It’s Cold Outside” is not completely innocent, but is is pretty clean compared to some modern songs. Nevertheless, sideswipes such as these attacks are a relatively new tactic by the Left. They are trying something more subtle to push back against Christian Christmas. They are even going after the secular in an effort to diminish the spiritual.

Well, I am under no illusions that the Left gives a pinecone of care for what the lyrics or storylines are in traditional Christmas presentations. I am fully aware they merely want to attack Christmas, and therefore Christians, in any way possible. Just as the Left is trying to destroy our American identity by attacking our history, they are trying to destroy our religious identity by attacking our traditions. The Left wants to remold all individuals into the soulless clones that fits the requirements of Global Government. People who only worship the State and have no opinions of their own.

Sorry, not sorry, I can’t buy into that. I am me. A daughter of a Heavenly Father. A worshiper of Jesus Christ, whose birthday I celebrate each Christmas. While my main focus will ever be on Christ, the reason for the season, I will also take great joy in the silliness of Santa, teddy bears, and Christmas trains. I will not let the Left shut down my holiday happiness. I will celebrate spiritually and temporally to my heart’s content. I will wish people “Merry Christmas”, “Mele Kalikimaka”, or “Happy Holidays” as befits my mood and not as suits someone else’s political correctness. So, God bless ye merry gentlepersons and have a very happy Christmas!!! Even the Grinches and Scrooges of the Left!

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