Monday, December 17, 2018

Pay attention to positive things that are happening in the culture!

Andrew believes the highpoint of the Trump presidency was the Kavanaugh appointment and hearings.

Now the uproar being promulgated in the Left media is about a seven-year-old girl who died in US custody after being dropped into New Mexico with her father by a coyote. Any tragic thing that happens at the border will be Trump's fault, according to the Left media and the Democrats coming into power in the House.

Andrew gives credit to Chris Cuomo for giving an honest analysis of the situation at the border.

Andrew also gives credit to Stephen Miller's articulation of border problems in two clips of a Sunday interview with Margaret Brennan on Face the Nation.

Andrew believes Adam Schiff is the closest thing to Joe McCarthy our nation has had. Schiff will be the head of the House Intelligence Committee next year, replacing Devin Nunes because of the 2018 elections giving the Democrats control of the House. For the next two years the Democratic Party is going to be going after Trump day and night, night and day.

Andrew finishes by reminding those of us on the right to pay attention to the culture!

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