Sunday, December 16, 2018

"A smoke signal will suffice."

Howie Carr wonders in the Boston Globe,
Where do I go to get my reputation back?

Do you know how many times I’ve been called a “racist” over the last six years for calling Elizabeth Warren exactly what she just called herself in Baltimore – “not a person of color.”

In other words, a fake Indian.

She finally admitted the obvious on a Friday afternoon, just before Christmas, in front of what she must have assumed would be a somewhat sympathetic audience at a black college.

Two months after offering what she claimed was definitive proof of her Native American ancestry, she is now acknowledging that she’s a honky.

The fake Indian has finally been scalped … by reality.

Here’s the next step for the woman who was white before she was Cherokee before she was white: release your employment applications to the law schools at Harvard and Penn. Since you now admit you’re a white woman, it shouldn’t be a problem to prove once and for all that you never did “check the box” to grab a racial preference you weren’t entitled to.

Show us, fake Indian, that you did not speak with forked tongue many moons ago. If you no lie, we smoke peace pipe.

...Now, like so many others, I await my apology from the fake Indian. I don’t expect a phone call, a letter, or even an email. A smoke signal will suffice.
Read more here.

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