Sunday, September 30, 2018

"Take lots of selfies, Jeff!"

Megan Fox writes at PJ Media,
...Only this time, instead of torturing the Kavanaughs with the Muppet Show of Hate in the Senate, we're going to do it with the FBI. The same FBI, by the way, whose operatives were texting each other about stopping the election of the president who nominated Kavanaugh. Sure. This will be fair.

...I knew the minute Flake walked out of the Senate meeting he was going to ffffffffff**k it up. He only cares about one thing: Jeff Flake being loved. And look at him now! He's on a stage being cheered by hot girls with low morals who love abortion. Score! It's much more difficult to do the right thing and keep your word and vote yes on the confirmation of a man you know has been railroaded by the Democrat smear machine.

After the Kavanaugh hearings, Senator Flake and Coons were cheered at a rock festival. Megan continues,
Smiling from ear to duplicitous ear, Sen. Jeff Flake (fake Republican-Ariz.) took the stage in front of a roaring crowd of #GlobalCitizens at a rock festival on Saturday. Sen. Chris Coons (D-Del.), the chap who seems to have talked Flake into betraying his constituents and party leaders, was alongside him in a bipartisan show of support for the big fat wrench in the form of a "one-week" delay in the confirmation process for Judge Kavanaugh. I put "one-week" in quotes because the chances of it ending before the midterms are about as minuscule as Lindsay Lohan making good life choices. It's possible, but it sure doesn't look like it's happening any time soon.

...I hope Senator Flake is having a wonderful time in the green room with all those celebrities who would like nothing more than to wipe his constituents off the map. How fun for him. Take lots of selfies, Jeff! #GoFlllllllakeYourself
Read more here.

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