Saturday, September 29, 2018

Slippery Slope

In CDN, Jacquie Kubin writes about "the quavering voice of Blasey Ford and the railroading of Brett Kavanaugh."
Her allegations may very well ruin one man’s life, career and family and erase two-hundred years of jurisprudence from our history.

Unfortunately for the #MeToo movement and women’s believability going forward, Ford and the Democrat senators who do less to seek the truth than bolster the ego of Dr. Ford, have done more to harm the credibility of women already reticent to come forward.

These hearing should not have been held based on what she said. Or he said. The legal term for that is hearsay.

These hearings instead should be based on the real, credible and actionable information that proves Ford’s statements. That is something Ford is unable to provide. And because of that, these hearings should not have been held.

...A marital spat over a home remodel led to emergence of the alleged attack in “recollected memories.” But then, a little later in her testimony, Ford changed her story and claimed that her second door is actually there for “sponsored interns from Google and students” to use. Really?

Seems like the purpose of the door is not exactly as Ms. Ford would ask us to believe. It was not installed as a second escape route for a person suffering from claustrophobia as a result of an attack. It was installed to give the interns and students they sponsored a private door to enter their area of the house.

...Because when we fail to demand verifiable honesty we, as Americans, lose. We take one more step toward living in an oligarchy run by a kangaroo court society that can destroy anyone at any time. Because they said so.

How convenient that no one caught that little omission of fact.

To date, there is no one willing to stand up and confirm her story. In fact, those she has identified as witnesses have all – to a person – denied being present or seeing Brett Kavanaugh ever act in the manner in which she describes.

...If you don’t know, for sure, before you destroy the life work of a man and toss America’s base of fairness into the wood chipper, you need to be 100% sure of your accusations.

I have heard nothing that convinces me Ford’s accusation has one iota of truth to them. An investigation would have proven this out. But then that would have been fair to Kavanaugh. Just another Republican mistake.

...A jurist Democrats are attempting to destroy for the sake of hard-left, take-no-prisoners power politics.

...Christine Blasey Ford is accusing Judge Kavanaugh of a moral crime, and she does so freely, knowing she has zero responsibility to provide some verifiable proof. She must offer some proof beyond “I believe this happened,” “I do not remember date details, or “who I talked to after being assaulted.” But under the current kangaroo court proceedings the Democrats have so predictably engineered, she has no need to do so.

... first, it is Brett Kavanaugh. Then it is your son, husband, brother, father or friend. We have arrived at a point where we are one slippery slope away from what the German Lutheran pastor, Martin Niemöller described in

“First they came …“
First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a socialist.

Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a trade unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.
Read more here.

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