Monday, September 24, 2018

"Maybe we should eliminate the theatrics."

That is the last sentence in Glenn Reynolds' latest opinion piece at USA Today. He is referring to the Senate's deliberations over the Kavanaugh appointment to fill the Supreme Court vacancy. Here are the major points he makes.
“Believe the women” is bunk, and nobody really means it anyway.

...To know what happened here, we need facts, not stereotypes.

...People believe what they want to believe, at least until the evidence is overwhelming.

...The Supreme Court is too powerful.

...We’ve become too tribal. ...Politicians, as I’ve noted here before, probably know that tribalism is bad for the larger society. But it benefits their political positions, and we no longer have strong enough societal norms to control it. If we don’t develop such norms, the result will be bad.

...Social media make things worse.

...Maybe cameras and good government don’t go together.

...Maybe we should just get rid of confirmation hearings entirely.
Read how he elaborates on each idea here.

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