Monday, September 24, 2018

Life is short, but art is long!

Leftism turns everything into a mask for the pursuit of power. Leftism is the theory that the state should be in charge instead of the individual ruling his own life.

Instead of being a platform for ideas, social media titans have become the cutting edge of censorship. Andrew explains what happened to James Woods at Twitter as I recently posted.

The Left depends on us forgetting what happened in the past. They rewrite so much of the past because they own the movie studios, the t.v. studios, the news media and education.

Yes, the Republicans played hardball with the Garland nomination, putting it off until after the election, but what the Left does is character assassination, as they did to Robert Bork, Clarence Thomas, and now to Brett Kavanaugh.

Conservatives must fight the culture wars!

Time does not exist in the imagination; in the imagination, everything is happening now.

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