Sunday, September 23, 2018

Fed up with this charade

Roger L. Simon writes at PJ Media,
It took the French Revolution ten years (1789-1799) to go from an idealistic fight for freedom to the one-man rule of Napoleon, but these are fast-moving times and the #MeToo movement has gone from the necessary correction of monsters like Harvey Weinstein to an all-out assault on the rule of law and hatred of the entire male sex in about eighteen months. (Well, it was men who came up with the Magna Carta.)

Think I'm exaggerating? How about the nauseating misandry of the senator from Hawaii, Mazie Hirono? Not only, in the eyes of Ms. Hirono, is Brett Kavanaugh automatically culpable without verifiable corroboration or evidence of any sort beyond a vague accusation nearly four decades old, but all men should "shut up and step up."

Essentially Hirono has gone Comrade Beria one better. "Show me the man and I'll show you the crime" has become: "Show me the man and I'll show you the sex abuser." Proof of the abuse is completely unnecessary. An accusation will suffice. (Where is Torquemada when we need him?)

And she's not alone. That Queen of Hypocrisy Senator Kirsten Gillibrand, longtime buddy of the very Harvey Weinstein and idolator of super randy sex abuser Bill Clinton and his enabling wife, now excoriates Kavanaugh as what we might call "Son of Weinstein," if we were making a horror movie.

Meanwhile, the three then high schoolers -- Mark Judge, Patrick J. Smythe, and close Ford friend Leland Ingham Keyser -- who were supposedly at the party with Ford and Kavanugh where this dastardly deed occurred back in 1982 (if that was indeed the year -- it's far from clear) have all now issued sworn formal denials of having been there or knowing anything about it. Ms. Keyser even denies knowing Kavanaugh at all.
Read the whole thing here.

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