Thursday, August 23, 2018

What we know

Victor Davis Hanson writes in American Greatness,
...Mueller appears to have little interest in violations by FBI or Department of Justice officials who likely violated the law out of their worry over, or hatred for, Trump.

We know that members of the FBI and DOJ misled the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court by deliberately hiding critical facts about the Steele dossier.

We know that John Brennan, James Clapper, and James Comey all gave false or misleading testimony to Congress.

...Mueller has searched in vain for obstruction of justice. But we know Hillary Clinton aides Cheryl Mills and Huma Abedin deliberately misled FBI officials about Clinton’s illicit email server, as did former Deputy FBI Director Andrew McCabe.

If Mueller can’t find evidence of any Trump collusion with a foreign nation, perhaps he might find such collaboration right under his nose.

Hillary Clinton and her campaign team paid for research done by a British citizen, Christopher Steele, working for Fusion GPS, to smear Trump. Steele claims that he enlisted Russian sources to gather gossip on Trump in an attempt to sway the 2016 election. Members of the FBI, CIA and DOJ improperly helped to ensure that Steele’s unverified accusations and innuendos were conveyed to the media.

...Again, the impression is that likely foreign collusion involving Clinton’s campaign is not worth investigating in the same manner that Mueller is investigating Trump.

This same sort of asymmetry also applies to social media. Facebook, YouTube, and Apple claim that they wish to cleanse their platforms of hate speech and have removed Alex Jones’ Infowars channels.

But so far, they have shown no interest in doing the same with a number of radical left-wing extremist sites, such as Antifa’s, or with those of the Rev. Louis Farrakhan. The impression again is that the acceptance of hate speech depends on who is hating whom. The social media exemption given to the racist rants of Sarah Jeong illustrated that well enough.

...When there is no blind code of justice, people suspect that our institutions define wrong behavior and bad words as those in service to the wrong political agenda.

And they are right.
Read more here.

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