Wednesday, August 29, 2018

"What hasn't been told is terrifying!"

Margot Cleveland reports at The Federalist,
...Too busy Stormy-chasing, the entire mainstream media has ignored the recent developments in the Wahhaj case in New Mexico. And what hasn’t been told is terrifying.
An FBI agent testified that two of the malnurished children said “they had been trained in advanced firearms handling and had been instructed to shoot law enforcement personnel when the time came and that they would be instructed in the future to attack specific targets such as teachers, schools, banks, and other ‘corrupt institutions.’”

In his motion, the prosecutor stressed that the defendants possessed an arsenal of weapons. He included evidence from a neighbor stating that the group used the shooting range on the compound excessively. Add to that the seizure of a DVD that describes how to build an “untraceable assault rifle” at home and a book on the psychology of combat, and the picture of a group bent on a terrorist attack forms more clearly.

There is more: The prosecutor presented to the trial court a letter Morton delivered to Muhammad, Siraj Ibn Wahhaj’s brother. That letter encouraged Muhammad to follow Allah “until he makes you die as a martyr as you wanted and the only way is by joining the righteous (us).” The letter added that Muhammad should “take all your money out [of] the bank and bring you guns,” showing the Wahhajs intended to grow their fighting force beyond the 16 residents of the compound.

Agents also recovered a ten-page, handwritten document, titled “Phases of a Terrorist Attack,” from the compound. That document included instructions for “the one-time terrorist” and provided detailed instructions on determining ideal attack locations, using “choke points,” defending “safe havens,” escaping perimeter rings, and detecting sniper positions. This document indicates the defendants were not merely talking a deadly talk, but had been carefully planning an attack.

Follow-up interviews with some of the children garnered more evidence, including statements that Morton told them he “wished to die in jihad, as a martyr,” and Leveille and Subhanna Wahhaj joking about dying in jihad. The children also relayed that Leveille and Suraj intended to confront “corrupt” institutions, such as the military, CIA, and American schools, and reveal to them “the truth.” If they refused to accept the message, the children said, Leveille would provide a signal to Suraj, who would attack the individual.

The DA’s motion also states “Siraj told the group that if police ever came to the property at night, they were to defend the property using firearms.” A search of the compound revealed numerous guns located at the end of a tunnel. The children told officials the tunnel served as an escape route should authorities raid the compound.

Additionally, the government detailed several passages in a journal recently recovered from the compound, written by Leveille. Leveille’s journal makes quite clear that she is delusional. For instance, she believes that Suraj’s son, Abdul Ghani, was originally conceived in her womb, but that Hakima Ramzi used black magic to remove the fetus from Leveill’s womb and transfer him to Ramzi’s womb. Leveille’s journal also detailed the circumstances of Abdul Ghani’s death, and her revelation that “ghani would be resurrected as Jesus.”

Whether motivated by mental illness or an extremist view of violent jihad, the Wahhaj family presents a serious risk to the community. Hopefully, when the state court holds a hearing on August 29 at 1 p.m. on the DA’s motion to reconsider, the judge will agree and assure that none of the defendants remains free to execute their plans. Also, hopefully the FBI, which reportedly was monitoring the compound, doesn’t wait so long to intervene next time.
Read more here.

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