Saturday, August 25, 2018

Twitter Tidbits

Paul Sperry tweeted,
CNN & NBC had been covering the Mollie Tibbetts story wall-to-wall, but then they suddenly stopped when her killer was identified by authorities as an illegal immigrant. Now there's a total blackout on those networks. It was a good story until it became bad politics for liberals

Ann Coulter tweeted,
Session recused himself from any investigation re: the 2016 campaign, as REQUIRED. Why doesn't @realDonaldTrump fire Rosenstein and appoint a mas macho deputy AG?

Sperry again:
Yes, Sessions has been strong on illegal immigration/border security. But the out-of-bounds Witch Hunt is now an all-consuming fire & Sessions has nary a squirt gun to control it. Meantime, nobody's being held accountable for #SpyGate or suppressing evidence in the Clinton probes

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