Tuesday, August 21, 2018

On deporting aging Nazis

Co-Blogger CBD writes at the Ace of Spades blog:
You want to accuse me of being a "nazi" because of my politics? Read a damned history book and learn what real nazis are. 60,000,000 people were killed during World War II. 6,000,000 Jews...2/3 of European Jewry...were murdered by the nazis. THAT'S what nazis are. Not people who disagree with your idiotic, ignorant, illogical political philosophy.

...Bush and Obama couldn't manage to deport one aging nazi. But Trump could. Yet he is accused of anti-Semitism, authoritarianism, dictatorial beliefs, and probably bed-wetting. Yet he thought it important enough to get rid of this prick. And he got it done.

Sure, this low-level scumbag is just one man, and in the grand scheme of things was just a tiny part of a global effort to destroy the Jewish people, but it still makes me smile that he got caught after all of these years, and is going to be uprooted from the life he built (on a lie) and die in a strange place, alone and unwanted.
Read more here.

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