Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Mueller twists the screws, the Leftist media echo chamber, Trump speaks out on big tech social media censorship

Mueller is twisting the screws on Donald Trump (Cohen prosecution).

The Leftist media thinks we are locked into the same echo chamber they are in...BUT WE'RE NOT!

Trump spoke out at a rally in Charleston, West Virginia last night against big tech social media censorship. Fake news CNN is bad, but censorship is worse!

Trump is defending our Constitution, our country, our freedom. That is why we have to stand by him despite his character flaws.

Andrew opens the mailbag of letters from subscribers asking for advice on relationships, beliefs, and writing.

Yesterday was not a great day in Trump world because of the prosecution of cohen and Manafort...but a 95-year-old Nazi prison guard was deported and we learned that...

From 2017 to 2018 the number of black-owned businesses increased by 400 percent from 2017 to 2018!

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