Thursday, August 23, 2018

"Legislation could be passed forbidding social media from keeping anybody out, censoring anybody, excepting a very few people such as child pornographers, already against the law."

Roger L. Simon writes at PJ Media,
The titans of social media are all relatively the same age. They and most of those who work for them are products of the same pervasively liberal educational system of rigidly enforced political correctness that begins at a very young age and accelerates through college.

...they don't seem to realize their enforcement methods veer to the totalitarian (cf. the unconscionable censoring — excuse me, "restricting of access" — of PragerU by YouTube).

...We do, however, actually have a choice — government-enforced deregulation. Legislation could be passed forbidding social media from keeping anybody out, censoring anybody, excepting a very few people such as child pornographers, already against the law.
Read more here.

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