Saturday, July 21, 2018

What Trump is now enduring, and what he can do about it

Michael Walsh writes at PJ Media,
...So how can Trump justly and justifiably put an end to this torture? Unfortunately, it's too late for the woulda/coulda/shouldas: Sessions should never have "recused" himself; Comey should have been fired immediately; the provocateur, Rosenstein, should never have been allowed to appoint a special prosecutor, nor indeed to become the de facto AG.

Michael recommends Trump do the following:
declassifying all relevant documents in their entirety

firing Rosenstein and shutting down Mueller

firing Sessions and getting a real attorney general who can discharge his duties

relieving Christopher Wray of command, putting a cop instead of a lawyer at the FBI

taking the heat from the media, and exposing them for the partisan hacks they are

going on national television and in the speech of his life, explaining exactly what happened and why
Read more here.

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