Monday, July 23, 2018

Vanderleun's bad thoughts

Vanderleun writes at American Digest about bad thoughts.
Alas, since God has been on his sabbatical studying how to make a better platypus, humans (as usual when He takes a break) have been back at their old game — expanding the realms of “bad” thoughts. This is primarily done by digging up a “bad” thought that has been killed and buried, slapping a lot of rouge on the corpse, fluffing it up like a flat pillow, propping it up at your dinner table, and pinning a brand new name tag on it. It’s not pretty, but a lot of us are making a good living at intellectual corpse fluffing these days.

My “bad” thought came about on Saturday when, with a friend, I took a walk down the streets of Seattle in what is called, with no sense of irony, “The University District.”

There is, indeed, a University in the Seattle University District, even if big business is bugging out of there, and a lot of other areas in Seattle, as fast as they can. The University District is pretty much like all the other college and university districts in medium to large American cities today. It provides a living to a small faction of genuine scholars, as well as workspace and research facilities and salaries to a host of useful scientists and necessary engineers. But more and more, the main function of our University Districts from coast to coast is to provide a safe haven for the homeless, the useless, the addicted, the soul-dead, and the politically perverted poltroons and pussies of all stripes.

In addition, the university at the center of these districts currently provides employment for, and benefits to, a host of latter-day hippy professors whose twisted politics, depraved morals and incessant dreams of the destruction of America would make them each persona non grata in most American communities outside of “university districts.”
Read more here.

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