Sunday, July 29, 2018

"To get golden ticket access to the U.S. market, those multinationals are going to have to agree to President Trump’s terms."

At The Conservative Treehouse, Sundance reports,
Interestingly Reuters uses the narrative from an anonymous Canadian “official” to frame an article about how global car manufacturers are coming together next week in Geneva to coordinate their strategy against the United States and President Trump.

Just let that part sink in for a moment…

Behind that context we can clearly see: 1) the economic importance of the Auto industry to the countries that are assembling; 2) their multinational corporate interest in retaining unlimited access to the U.S. market; and 3) the absolute need of all assembling corporations to find a way to keep their investments in NAFTA’s fatal flaw viable.

Who is gathering? Canada, Mexico, the EU (ie. Germany), Japan and South Korea.

Where are they going? To visit Geneva, Switzerland. Why Geneva? Because that way China can attend (see Volvo/Sweden) without being on the official roster. ::nudge, nudge:: ::wink, wink:: ::say-no-more Panda boy, say-no-more:: Additionally, Cecelia Malmström (EU Trade Minister), is the person Canada is relying upon to cover their anti-Trump position:

...Here’s where I will repeat the funniest aspect that seems continually missed by all of the international smart-set:

President Trump doesn’t care !
President Trump doesn’t care what the opinion of the Auto industry is.

President Trump is not beholden to the interests of the corporate auto industry.

President Trump doesn’t give a flip about what international leaders gather to discuss.

President Trump will do what is in the best interests of the United States and the workers within it. Period; end-of-story. Done.

...The multinational corporate leaders can assemble and strategize until they are blue-in-the-face. It matters not.

Seriously. They might just as easily attend a Swiss pancake tossing contest. POTUS Trump doesn’t care. Eventually they are going to have to ask, beg, plead and grovel to retain their position. When they accept the one constant in an ever changing universe, and finally realize the question is not “if” they will lose, but rather “how much”, then, and only then, will POTUS Trump enter the room with his golden tickets.

To get golden ticket access to the U.S. market, those multinationals are going to have to agree to President Trump’s terms. Trump doesn’t care about their feelings; Trump doesn’t give a flip about their statements; Trump has one prism to consider any deal, negotiation or result: is it better for the United States of America?
Read more here.

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