Wednesday, July 25, 2018

The cynical leftists of the Democrat-Media-Entertainment-Academia Complex who repulsively manipulate the Holocaust to make their every argument.

Dov Fischer writes at The American Spectator,
...Nary a day goes by without some idiot on MSNBC or CNN comparing something American to the Holocaust or the Nazis. The latest idiot on the horizon, Jill Wine-Banks, recently compared President Trump’s press conference in Helsinki with not only the Holocaust but also Pearl Harbor and 9/11. Consider the leftist media fools who see the human challenges posed at our southern border, as aliens try to enter the United States illegally rather than at ports of entry, and then bring children — maybe their own, maybe kidnapped, maybe rented, maybe purchased — as media shields. Inasmuch as a liberal Ninth Circuit federal court of appeals imposed a Flores Settlement that requires the Government to separate the children from the parents if the Illegals still are locked up after twenty days, suddenly the Democrats and their media mouthpieces are comparing the President and U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) to Hitler.

It even is so crazy that a wild leftist who made his career by advocating for gay marriage in New Jersey got himself positioned to manipulate the name of Holocaust victim Anne Frank to smear the President and his Administration as “anti-Semitic.” And whom did he call an anti-Semite? A President whose daughter is an Orthodox Jew, married to his son-in-law who is an Orthodox Jew, and several of whose other children have married Jews. A President with Jewish grandchildren — something that many leading American Jewish community leaders, to their everlasting shame, cannot claim. A President who moved the American embassy in Israel to Jerusalem. A President who walked out of the corrupt and myopic Iran Deal. A President who walked out of the anti-Semitic United Nations “Human Rights” Council. A President whose Education Secretary visits yeshivas and praises them. A President whose Vice President rolled up his sleeves at a desecrated Jewish cemetery in Missouri and personally helped physically restore the cemetery grounds. (And, yes, even Mike Pence could be called a “Nazi” or otherwise anti-Semitic by the cynical leftists of the Democrat-Media-Entertainment-Academia Complex who repulsively manipulate the Holocaust to make their every argument.)

It not only is repulsive. It is sacrilege. The Shoah is not a surrogate retort to be leveraged by idiots otherwise incapable of constructing cogent arguments. Rather, it is for personal mourning and respectful contemplation. It is for Armenians, too, as they remember and mourn the 1.5 million Armenians whom the Turks murdered during the Hayots tseghaspanutyun — the Armenian Holocaust — of 1915-1918. To this day, a century later, Recep Tayyip Erdogan and Turkey will not admit that crime against humanity. (By the way, America is obligated under the terms of NATO to go to war alongside that dictatorial madman if Turkey invokes NATO Article 5.) Likewise, the Holocaust is for the victims of Pol Pot, who murdered between 1.5 million and 3 million Cambodians between 1975 and 1979. It is for the 500,000 to one million Tutsis murdered in Rwanda by the Hutus during the span of only 100 days in 1994. It is for the Ukrainian victims of Stalin’s Golodomor who were murdered in their millions from 1932-1933 by Communist Russia’s worst villain, every bit as evil as Hitler, even as the New York Times white-washed and covered up that Genocide as their Moscow-based reporter, Walter Duranty, got the Pulitzer Prize for two years of Fake News that he published praising Stalin during the height of the mass murders.

Those were Holocausts. And the most enormous of them all: from 1958-1962 Mao Tse-tung murdered 45 million Chinese. History’s worst mass murderer called that the “Great Leap Forward.” Yet no one ever hears of those Holocausts because, in most cases, they were massive crimes against humanity perpetrated by the political Left — primarily Communist — or in the Third World. Consequently, dead Rwandans merit one entertaining box-office film. And the millions of Ukrainian victims of Stalinist Russia, the tens of millions of victims of Communist China, the millions of victims of Communist Cambodia, the millions of victims of Turkey — nitchoho, meiyo, kmeanoavei, vochinch… in other words: nothing. In the face of such staggering crimes against humanity, Fidel Castro’s mass murder of 30,000 or more political opponents within his Cuban population of seven million — equivalent to murdering 680,000 people in the United States or even more — seems not to merit being termed a “Holocaust.” Nor, apparently, are all the other mass murders in their many millions perpetrated throughout the Communist world.

But Trump’s press conference alongside Putin does. Oh — and don’t forget to throw in Kristallnacht, Pearl Harbor (and how did they forget to add John Wayne Gacy, Albert DeSalvo, and Ted Bundy?). Among Democrats and other Liberals and Socialists — in tandem with their Media-Entertainment-Academia complex — it seems that there is no business like Shoah business.

...By contrast, contemplate that, in his every speech — going back to his Inaugural Address and his State of the Union — President Donald J. Trump regularly speaks of all colors bleeding the same color blood. Hitler? Really? And that he publicly takes personal pride that he has brought African-American unemployment and Hispanic/Latino unemployment to the lowest numbers ever recorded. Nuremberg laws? Does not the entire Nazi-Hitler-Kristallnacht line of comparisons truly extend beyond insane — and into the sphere of the objectively demented? Trump Derangement Syndrome indeed.

The message needs to go forth to the Democrat-Liberal-Media-Entertainment-Academia complex — from unbiased ethicists, any remaining honest historians, and theologians: Keep your damned hands off the Holocaust — and off 9-11 and off Pearl Harbor — and just seal your lips shut the next time you have the uncontrollably gurgling urge to vomit a metaphor comparing those crimes-against-humanity or the crime of treason to our American democracy and to a President who faithfully complies daily with the Constitutional restraints that limit his options in dealing with a Congress whose Democrats are sworn to perpetual “Resistance,” while a Deep State devoted to his impeachment and downfall now is revealed to exist within the deepest bowels of the intelligence apparatus. He even faces an unbalanced recent CIA director who voted in the 1976 Presidential election for the Communist Party’s Marxist pro-Soviet Gus Hall. (Talk about collusion with Russia!) President Trump likewise consistently has honored the Constitutional boundaries as he endures wild overreaching by Obama-appointed judges who legislate from the bench and then impose their rulings beyond their legitimate jurisdictions onto the entire nation.

Likewise, the expression “Never Again” does not belong to others, even if Holocaust Survivors failed to trademark it. Let others find their own slogan. Imagine if racists, ethanol farmers, or flip-phone users started marching behind the banner of “We Shall Overcome.” It really is time to demand that CNN and MSNBC anchors and analysts cease and desist from hurling Holocaust metaphors and likewise stop desecrating the martyrs of Pearl Harbor and 9-11. The joke has worn thin, and the Left Media-Entertainment-Academia complex have bestowed on Hitler a posthumous victory because the terms “Nazi” and “Holocaust” have been stripped of their meanings and now are just two more synonyms for CNN’s use of “Stormy Daniels” and Maniacal Maxine’s “Impeach 45.”
Read more here.

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