Sunday, July 01, 2018

Raw, honest, fearless, and respectful to the average American.

Trump has really achieved something: Democrats are being honest! They elected an open socialist to defeat a top Democrat in New York.

Breakdown of the family, now we have a breakdown of society.

Gavin McInnes is Michael's guest. They have a hilarious interchange of ideas.

Do Americans still want freedom? The Left says no! They say, "You should not have the right to speak!" Leftist Justice Elena Kagan dissented in Janus. The Janus case is about choice! To pay dues to a union or not!

Michael: There is a thought that stops thought, and that is the only thought that ought to be stopped!

Michael ends the program by playing a clip from Elvis Presley's 1968 comeback special. Intimate and authentic, just as Donald Trump has given us! The vast majority of Americans agree with us on the issues. We are winning! The Left thinks that people are stupid and gullible fools, easily deceived. All we have to do is speak honestly and directly. Not like Romney super polished, but more like Trump, raw and honest, fearless and respectful to the average American! Don't ignore their serious complaints and needs.

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