Saturday, July 28, 2018

Oh Happy Day!

Guest post by Suzann Darnell

Next week my husband, Pete, and I will celebrate 41 years of marriage. It has been a good life together and I look forward to the next decades with great anticipation.

It has been quite an adventure with some interesting twists and turns. A bit quirky at times, but always working out for the best in the end. We have had good times, hard times, sad times, and glad times. All in all we have counted more blessings than we have numbered our troubles.

We have raised two daughters. We have welcomed seven grandchildren into our lives. We have two fine sons-in-law. We have had innumerable pets. Met friends all around the world. Just managed to find companionship, in many forms, all over the place.

I am blessed greatly by this wonderful man in my life. He is my eternal sweetheart, my best friend, my partner in trouble, and my life’s helpmeet. We live, laugh, love, and learn together. He is there for me in happiness or sorrow. He rejoices with me or comforts me, depending on my need. I could not have asked for anyone more perfect for all of time and eternity.

Don’t yet know what we will do to celebrate, but I know we will have a good time doing it. Whatever it is. We usually enjoy ourselves no matter what we are doing. So, I am definitely counting down the days until our anniversary. Looking forward to a romantic homage to our 41 years of loving one another as husband and wife. Wow! Truly a happy day!!!

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