Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Let's hear it for civil liberties!

The Left supplies Andrew with an endless supply of fools to help him with his opening monolog. Today it is Dan Rather and Brian Williams.

Alan Dershowitz is Andrew's guest. Dershowitz is one liberal who won't put you to sleep. He is a civil libertarian first and foremost. He is also a liberal Democrat who voted for Hillary Clinton. He calls himself a centrist.

The ACLU went from a budget of $30 million to $130 million upon the election of Trump, because so many people wanted them to get Trump. To be a civil libertarian means to defend the free speech of people you disagree with. Dershowitz says he refuses to be paid by any networks he appears on. He cares about legal and constitutional rights for all Americans, even Trump!

Dershowitz, a long time Harvard professor, admits we are educating young students who are going to be our future leaders not to tolerate different ideas.

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