Saturday, July 28, 2018

Is climate hysteria unraveling?

In Manhattan Contrarian, Francis Menton writes, can tell from the recent substantial lack of news on the climate front from the mainstream media that climate hysteria, both in the U.S. and internationally, is unraveling with remarkable rapidity. Just since early 2016, world temperatures are down by about two-thirds of a degree C -- which is well more than half of the 20th century warming. Canadian and Australian voters are resoundingly repudiating carbon taxes. In the UK, after years of delay, the first horizontally-drilled wells using fracking technology are finally moving forward. Germany has conceded that it will come nowhere near its previous carbon-reduction goals, and has stopped making any serious attempt to reach same. The third world, led by China and India, proceeds with plans to build and deploy some 1600 new coal-fired power plants.

...The U.S., as the leader in fracking technology and with vast reserves of coal, oil and gas, seems poised for the energy dominance promised by the President. Can anything stop us now? Unfortunately, there is a significant remaining obstacle. It is a landmine of the legal variety, planted by the Obama administration with the intent to have it blow up any efforts to revert from fantasy schemes of non-functional intermittent energy back to a system of inexpensive energy that actually works.

I'm referring, of course, to the so-called Endangerment Finding (EF) of the EPA, issued in 2009, that found CO2 and other "greenhouse gases" constitute a "danger" to human health and safety through contributing to global warming. Burning fossil fuels (coal, oil, natural gas) produces CO2. To stop the burning of fossil fuels, you would more or less need to shut down the economy. And yet, so far, in the various deregulatory energy initiatives of the Trump EPA and Energy Department, there has been no effort of any kind to take on the EF.

...As long as the EF remains in place, the administration foolishly concedes to environmental activists and random district judges the ability to delay, obstruct, and potentially stop the march to U.S. energy dominance. With the "science" backing up the EF now thoroughly discredited, there is no reason to make an such concession.
Read more here.

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