Sunday, July 01, 2018

In praise of liberty

Guest post by Suzann Darnall

I love the 4th of July! Independence Day! A celebration of America and liberty. Birthday for the land that I do love. And, you know what? With President Trump in office and doing his best to make America great again, I am truly feeling like freedom is alive and well . . . and being restored to American citizens. President Trump is slowly but surely reinstating some of our rights and liberties which had been compromised. Now, that is something truly worth throwing a party to commemorate!!!

While I am no longer much about the fireworks, I do love the picnics or barbecues that frequently happen. It is not that I am against fireworks, but when one lives in Texas’ drought country, one kinda prefers to avoid anything that might set the grass on fire, particularly in the dry month of July. Texas summertime and shooting fire through the air no longer strikes me as a good idea.

I especially love when we can get together with family for the Fourth. I feel that America was created for families. I feel that living in liberty is the best way for families to not merely survive but to actually thrive. It is my profound belief that freedom of religion truly leads to liberty and also aids in the strength of families. Since I also believe that strong families are the cornerstone of a strong society, I am a supporter of the First Amendment, which protects the right of religious freedom, among other freedoms.

I also support the Second Amendment, which I believe is one of the major protections for all of our other rights. Were it not for access to weapons, the early citizens of America would have been unable to gain or retain their freedom from British tyranny. I firmly believe we face tyranny today, just in different forms from days of yore. Once we fought Redcoats, now we fight red tape. The kind of bureaucratic red tape which slowly wrests away our liberty one regulation at a time, until we are no longer citizens of a nation, but merely servants of a government. The bureaucrats keep infringing our rights, including assaults on religious freedom and freedom of speech. And, they are seemingly always trying to take away our right to bear arms. If weapons are ever only in the hands of the government, we are all doomed to nothing more than state-sponsored serfdom.

So, this coming Wednesday, I plan to celebrate my freedom. And, this coming election, I plan to support those candidates which I believe will best support President Trump, ‘cause I believe President Trump is our best hope for regaining and retaining our rights which have been infringed or are under assault.

This 4th of July, take the time to review the Declaration of Independence and the United States Constitution. Americans fought and died to grant us the liberty to form a new nation more than 200 years ago. More Americans have fought and died to protect that freedom. Unfortunately, those rights are currently under attack from within our own country’s borders. Even within our own government. So, may God bless my fellow Americans, our President, our military, and our great nation. May we recognize the importance of each and every right we were given under the Constitution. Vote responsibly. Vote to defend liberty. Vote so we may ever celebrate Independence Day. Not just on July 4th, but on each and every day we wake up to a new sunrise in the United States of America!
Suzann blogs at Wooly

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