Sunday, July 22, 2018

"I suppose the most pressing question is how many more lives that evil fanatic will be allowed to ruin before he is cashiered and dismissed with some portion of the obloquy he deserves."

Roger Kimball writes in PJ Media about the Obama intelligence community's collusion with Hillary to get Trump.
It really is hard to keep the story straight —I mean the real story, what actually happened, not “the Narrative.” Saturday’s document dump was a help here because it showed that the FISA court warrant to spy against Carter Page was authorized, against FBI rules, on the basis of unverified information (gossip, really). Carter Page, remember, is an American citizen against whom no criminal charges have been brought. Why, then, was the full power of the “intelligence community” mobilized against him? Because, having been named part of Trump’s foreign policy team in March 2016, he was an entry point to the Trump campaign.

I am not, by the way, suggesting that the Russians did not work to meddle in the 2016 election. Indeed, I am confident that they did, just as they always seek to meddle in our elections. (And just as, by the way, we seek to meddle in the elections of other countries—just ask Benjamin Netanyahu.) It’s not mentioned in any of Mueller’s indictments, but the Russians endeavored to hack GOP servers as well as those maintained by the DNC. But here’s the thing to bear in mind. What the Russians sought to do was not influence the outcome of the election. They knew, or thought they knew, what the outcome was going to be. It would be Hillary Clinton by a mile. What the Russians sought to do was sow discord and distrust among the electorate, to undermine the people’s faith in their institutions. With a large helping hand from the American media, they succeeded brilliantly in that task.

...When did the alleged Russian collusion take place?

Who was President then?

Barack Obama.

Who was Director of the CIA?

John Brennan.

Who was Director of National Intelligence?

James Clapper.

Who was Director of the FBI?

Robert Mueller, then James Comey.

Who is to blame in 2018?

Donald Trump! Really?

Are we finally nearing the end of the road in this emergency defensive maneuver by the deep state? I think so. Gertrude Stein once rudely observed of Oakland, California, that “there is no there there.” More and more people are waking up to the fact that the same thing is true of Muellerville. I suppose the most pressing question is how many more lives that evil fanatic will be allowed to ruin before he is cashiered and dismissed with some portion of the obloquy he deserves.
Read more here.

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