Saturday, June 23, 2018

"You are the one who is accountable for your actions!"

Media now cravenly using kids. Laura has on three guests, one of whom follows the Juan Williams model of loudly interrupting others. In this case, however, the "other" is Laura Ingraham, whom I dare say can hold her own with anyone in a debate. After his interrupting spree, the guest says he wants to do immigration policy the "mature" way. I almost fell off my chair laughing at his hypocrisy.

A border patrol agent was a guest who asked that the people who break the law be held accountable. Keeping families together will only increase the number of people escaping the Central American and Mexican hellholes. He clarifies that under Trump people are being properly cared for, which was not the case under Obama.

Harmeet Dhillon points out that the staffing at the top levels of the FBI and DOJ are tone deaf to the bias that is so evident in these investigations.

Judicial Watch's Tom Fitton bets we'll be talking about these scandals two years from now! Additionally, Fitton says the one being protected here is Mueller!

Three of the Angel Moms who were honored at the White House today were guests on the show. Michelle Root's daughter was rear-ended while stopped at a stoplight in Nebraska. The young illegal alien who killed her had a blood alcohol reading of .241. He was street racing, going 70+ mph. He came to our country illegally as an unaccompanied minor at age 16. He was taken to a sanctuary city in California. He was released on bail and never showed up for trial. ICE is looking for him "because, of course, the new administration."

Michael Denice had recently graduated from college as had Michelle's daughter. Maureen Denice explains that he was on his way home from helping a friend. He was riding his motorcycle in a downtown area that had a 20 mph speed limit. A criminal illegal alien named Nicolas Guaman had been drinking all day, ran through a stop sign and collided with Matthew's motorcycle. Matthew was flown onto the hood of Guaman's vehicle, then, surviving the collision, started to get up. Guaman ran him over as he fled the scene, dragging him a quarter of a mile to his death while witnesses were pleading with Guaman to stop! He backed over Matthew one more time and left him there to die! Guaman was convicted and is serving 12-14 years in prison.

Sabina is a legal immigrant from Germany. The man who killed her son Dominic was an illegal from Guatemala who had been deported for committing two felonies. He came back illegally, was arrested for drunk driving, got probation, got arrested again for drunk driving while on probation in Riverside, California! Dominic was on his way to work when he was hit by the illegal alien from Guatemala and killed instantly. The killer got 35 days in jail! "Trump is the only man that brought this issue to the forefront!"

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