Wednesday, June 20, 2018

"Where there are laws, there are loopholes!" Hollywood depravity of the week (so far)

President Trump signs executive order keeping families together who have come into the country illegally.

Greg points out, "Where there are laws, there are loopholes!" This one resulted in children being separated from their parents, in some cases. President Trump acted with courage and heart to close the loophole!

Kimberlee points out that in most of these cases, the children were not with their parents, but were being brought here for trafficking by adults who were not their parents!

Greg explained that on Tuesday the violent group Antifa tweeted out the identities and locations of 1500 ICE agents and their families. This is called doxing when you spread someone's personal information so others can harass them. Jane Fonda's brother Peter tweeted that he wants to "rip Barron Trump from his mother's arms and put him in a cage with pedophiles" and surround the schools where ICE and Border Patrol agents' children attend in order to scare the sh*t out of them and worry the fu*k out of the agents. Melania called Secret Service and asked for an investigation and Fonda apologized. Not good enough!

Juan Williams engaged in mind-reading the other panelists, and Greg called him on it and told him to go get his crystal ball and try again!

Kimberley explained what Mark Meadows was referring to when he talked about 302s being altered. 302s are the notes agents make when interviewing suspects or witnesses, so if they have been altered they have compromised the investigations.

Peter Strzok may testify next week. Juan says he is glad to testify! Have you noticed, by the way, that whenever another panelist makes a strong point, Juan starts shouting over them?

Ending on a good note: Hollywood A-list actor Chris Pratt gave a very inspirational speech last night at the MTV Awards.

Greg says the only change in this story is Trey Gowdy's facial hair!

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