Monday, June 25, 2018

VDH on education, North Korea, Middle East, the Trump presidency

Producing graduates who are ignorant and arrogant.

North Korea made fools of Clinton, Bush, and Obama. Trump is trying to deal with it by pressing China to press North Korea. It is a four-party negotiation: China and North Korea versus the United States and South Korea. South Korea is incredibly naive. If the United States is removed as a guarantor, the north or China will invade and absorb South Korea!

We always had three main aims in the Middle East. One was to ensure the world's oil supply. A second was to protect Israel. A third was to contain violence in the Middle East and not let it spread into Europe. The first two are now irrelevant.

Delegitimizing Donald Trump. What they thought was going to be career-enhancing turned out to be criminal!
But Trump's enemies in the media, Hollywood, the progressives, the academy and the bureaucracy are circling him. He is going to have to be more disciplined. He is 71-years-old. How much longer will he be so energetic? It doesn't make sense to create more problems for himself.

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