Friday, June 29, 2018

The illusion of civility; Growing protests in Iran

The Left has been living off the illusion of civility. If you assume that everybody is racist, you don't have to argue with them; just insult them as "racist." Trump is exposing them for who they are and for whom they have always been! The Left has wrapped people in a mental prison. David Bosse tells a man "You're out of your cotton-pickin' mind" and gets suspended from Fox for one week!

This is week three of Andrew's Leftese Dictionary, so, C is for Constitution! Is it living?

Sebastian Gorka is Andrew's guest. Andrew asks him about Turkey. Erdogan is re-Islamizing Turkey.

Nest, Andrew asked him about the growing protests in Iran. They had large protests when Obama was president, too, in 2009, and Obama did not support them. Obama turned his back, the Mullahs retrenched themselves. Obama released $140 billion into the Iranian economy. Tehran has not been the center of these protests. They are happening everywhere in Iran. Iran has one resource, beside Islam: crude oil. Donald Trump has told importers they have three months to end the importation of Iranian oil.

Donald Trump is not an interventionist. He thinks it is crazy for us to go in to change other countries.

Next, Dr. Gorka talked about the manpower constraints on our border officials.

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