Saturday, June 02, 2018

Imprisoning the boundaries of debate in a box. If you go along with that, you hand the Left their victories.

This live question and answer program was recorded on May 29. The first question was the pro abortion vote in Ireland and the celebrations after the vote, which passed by over 70% of the vote. Mark says in a remarkably short period of time, Ireland has become just another secular European state. Their Prime Minister is a gay, childless Hindu. Mark says the changes in Ireland are what happens when you have a controlled media climate. The assumptions in which issues are raised are all those of the Left. It becomes natural for people to accept the narrative, a default setting as the air that you breathe.

Tommy Robinson: can anything be done to get him out of jail? Tommy was savagely assaulted the last time he was serving at Her Majesty's pleasure. When the judge was informed of that fact, she said, "So what?" In his recent four minute experience of been arrested, charged, convicted and sent to prison, the judge in Leeds said nothing about the likelihood that Robinson's life is in danger.

Mark has met Tommy and found him to be intelligent, engaging, and charismatic. I agree! In Britain you run up against a snob factor, because he is a street guy and the "respectable" classes dislike that about him. If all the respectable types rule certain subjects to be out of bounds, then people will turn to the "unrespectable" leaders.

In the U.S. we have a two party system and both parties decided they didn't want to talk about immigration. So, a significant number of people said we'll go for this guy, Trump!

The forces have been set in motion to wreck the nations of Europe. The establishment cannot admit they were wrong. Contrast the way the establishment hunts down and imprisons Robinson with the cold-hearted indifference to the victims of the rapegangs. Mark spent many hours listening to the rape victims in Rotherham and says it is remarkable how the press in Britain has avoided reporting on it. It is still going on! These girls and girls in many other cities and towns in England have been sacrificed on the altar of diversity, and there is no outrage!

The lack of curiousity that prompts you to intellectual inquiry is something Islam and the Left have in common.

Spies spend a lot time waiting and they are doing fairly ordinary things and wear regular clothes (not like black-garbed Ninjas. James Clapper is in the spy business. There are a lot of freelancers, such as Stefan Halper, whose connections to the CIA go back to the days of when George H.W. Bush ran the CIA in the 1970s. He volunteered in the Bush presidential campaign in 1980. He is someone who is useful to US and Brish intelligence.

Papadopolous is a young, impressionable campaign volunteer with the Trump campaign. Downer's assistant tells Papadopolous that the Australian High Commissioner wants to meet you and have a drink with you. If he invited him to the Australia House it would all be on the record. No, he invites him to the Kensington Wine House in the evening for drinks.

Adam Schiff says none of this happened, and if it did, it is just standard operating procedure!

The audio recording of this question and answer program is here.

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