Monday, June 25, 2018

Harvard's blatant discrimination against Asia-Americans, Mob violence against women, Trump will not stand down!

Should we give the employees of the Red Hen sensitivity training? Or should we just let the stinking, hate-filled restaurant die from its own stench?

Are these "troubled times?" Andrew reminds us we have seen the media this outraged at least two previous times: Reagan and Giuliani. Like Giuliani and Reagan, Trump will not stand down! The Left is bringing the full Katrina playbook. The Democrats are run by the press. The battle is between freedom loving Americans who love America and the press which hates America. The Left lost. So now they go to Plan B: bullying, mobsterism and violence.

Sanders and Nielson were not the only victims of mob violence. Pam Bondi, Florida's Attorney General, was attacked as she tried to see a show about Mr. Rogers! Yes, that Mr. Rogers! The magic of Leftism is it allows you to think you are the good guys while terrorizing a woman! Maxine Waters even gets into the act: "God is on our side!" (You remember Jesus saying "If thou seeest someone you disagree with, create a crowd, surround them, and let them know you hate them")! Andrew points out that it is us they hate. Somebody is going to get hurt. They will blame Trump!

Michael Knowles comes on the program to talk about a lawsuit against Harvard for their blatant discrimination against Asian-American students.

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