Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Fighting back

At the Ace of Spades blog, CBD writes,
The Left has mastered the destruction of language, and Hillary is a dedicated student of their technique. She has always parsed and edited and manipulated language for her own benefit, in this case to attack President Trump for, apparently, taking away rights that the invaders at the borders never had. What she says makes no logical sense, but it is enough for a sound-bite or a pull quote for an article or news snippet.

But don't pretend that it is benign. It is evil. It is the manipulation of the language that Orwell warned us about, and we must fight it at every opportunity.

...I am curious where in the US Constitution it says that we are to afford invaders all of the rights and privileges of citizenship. Now, I am not a Constitutional scholar like the FAB or the Chocolate Messiah, but I have read the damned thing and nowhere is it written that we must give non-citizens everything that we have fought and died for.

But to answer her question; Nobody is next. They are not citizens, they have no rights other than to be treated humanely because that's what we do as Americans. But we have every right to protect our borders and the President is doing exactly what most Americans want him to do.

The fear of a burgeoning police state is simply projection. It's what the Left would do...

...the Left's big weapons are being blunted by President Trump's rapid-fire responses, trolling the Left at every opportunity, and ability to laugh at their worst. That has emboldened some of us on the Right to fight back.

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