Thursday, May 03, 2018

Who has the most influence on Kim Jong-un, Trump, or China?

At Town Hall Kurt Schlichter writes,
Trump gets it, and of course he does. He’d never get fleeced like Obama did by Iran, and he will end that deadly charade. See, Trump grew up in the smashmouth world of New York real estate, not in some milquetoast academic oasis where competition is considered tacky and Americans interests are secondary to liberal ideology in the eyes of the citizens of the world in charge.

That’s why foreign policy liberals get rolled. They imagine our enemies are as weak, feckless, and afraid as they are. Trump and Kim Jong License to Ill understand each other, not because they are moral equivalents – our morally bankrupt elite believes that – but because for good to prevail it needs to be ready, willing, and able to kick evil’s butt.

...There’s a lesson there. It’s a lesson that was never learned by our betters like Ben Rhodes and Susan Rice and all the other bloody-handed fools who managed to hobble the most powerful nation on earth for nearly a decade at the cost of hundreds of thousands of American and foreign lives. The United States is powerful because it is strong, but only when it is ready, willing, and able to use that power to serve America’s interests. The world saw Barack Obama was weak, feckless and afraid. It sees that Donald Trump is none of those things, so it fears him.

And because of that, we may well have peace.
Read more here.

Maybe, but I think China is also playing a very important role. They are not happy that radioactivity may be coming into China from North Korea's nuclear test site. As I understand it, an explosion caused a nearby mountain to crumble to the ground and release radioactivity. They summoned Kim Jong-un to China and after that he did an about-face.

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