Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Virtue signaling brought to you by fear

The first segment is about Roseanne's dumb tweet about Valerie Jarrett.

Segment two: the liberal media busted for spreading fake news about Trump. Journalists cannot even check dates on photos! Pictures of immigrant children in steel cages were four years old! Who was president then? Greg gives two other examples. Greg and Dana agree that Trump should do more policy-oriented speeches which would drive news for 48 hours.

Segment three: Could Special Counsel Mueller swing the mid-term elections to the Democrats? Marie Harf is tonight's Democrat on the panel. She is not as irritating to me as are Juan Williams and Richard Fowler, who loudly use sarcasm to drown out other panelists.

Segment four is about Trump and North Korea. Jesse does a great job of listing Trump's accomplishments and energy into denuclearizing the peninsula.

The last segment was about Starbucks' anti-bias training. Greg disagreed with all the other panelists, who were praising Starbucks. Greg reacted to the "unconscious bias" aspect of the training Starbucks is doing tonight. Who knows what thoughts another person has? This is virtue signaling brought to you by fear.

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