Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Trump shows the GOP(e) how to fight the progressive hive and its allies in the media

At the Ace of Spades blog, Oregon Muse writes,
"One last thing about the potatohead media deliberately taking President Trump's remarks about MS-13 out of context. He said, quote, When the MS-13 comes in, when the other gang members come into our country, I refer to them as animals and guess what, I always will. Unquote. See what he did there? He didn't back down, he didn't grovel, he didn't apologize. He shoved it right back in their smug little faces. And probably had a good laugh in private watching them fall all over themselves defending MS-13. Trump is showing the GOP(e) how to fight the progressive hive and its allies in the potatohead media. The question is, are they listening?"

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