Monday, May 21, 2018

Preventing school shootings, Democrat collusion, Democrat commencement speakers

Greg: The more they keep trying to find collusion, the more they find Democrats! They sent an informant in there to trap Trump. They say they were only trying to protect Trump. Greg says that's like saying, "I'm stalking you as a favor to you! I stole your car so no one else would steal your car!

Jesse does a sterling job of standing up to Juan. Juan finishes talking and then Jesse replies and Juan interrupts him, "Oh my gosh."

Greg: We are at the last call at the Collusion Bar and Grill, and the media and Democrats are trying to figure out what to do next!

The next segment provided a good discussion of what we can do to prevent school shootings.

Greg: Hillary's Agony Tour is entering its second year, so it has officially lasted longer than her campaign! Hillary gave the commencement address at Yale. Al Gore was even invited to speak somewhere. When you are on your way out as a student, it's the Left's last chance to pelt you with Leftist garbage. They complain that the country is under attack and their voice is being suppressed! No one is stopping them from expressing themselves! There has been more emotional activism under Trump. These whiners should be grateful!

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