Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Leftists' righteous virtue signaling, our attitudes toward sex, conquering depression

Righteousness, self-virtue. Leftism. Andrew's topics today. Leftism makes degraded human beings like the ones who threw water, laughed, and videotaped an attack on commentator Tomi Lahren recently. You cannot find anyone who used to be a liberal and is now a conservative! Because he is a Christian, Andrew knows that the first thing about his religion is that he sucks! No need to pretend to be virtuous and righteous. It is not about some individual, it is about the freedom! The Bible tells us to put not our faith in any human being who cannot save you.

Leftism corrupted the press as they protected Obama from the truth. When your enemy is reality, the price of the battle is your soul! Andrew loves Starbucks coffee, but he is not going in there any more until they fix their problem. They accepted being bullied by two guys who came in and used the restroom and did not buy anything and refused to leave when the police were called. Starbucks is living in the Leftist universe where you are supposed to cower when anybody says "racist." They are a business! Starbucks accepted that there was something inherently wrong in their being a business! Starbucks has fallen to their knees like somebody in a Stalinist show trial.

Today is mailbag day. A woman writes Andrew to ask him how to conquer depression. She said she was in therapy and also taking meds. Andrew advises her to stay in therapy because depression is almost always related to some things in your past you have not been able to work out. She asks him how to build discipline. Do it! If you fail to do it, go back to doing it! Decide what you want to accomplish and then do less than you think you can. Two things you gotta do when you're depressed: get exercise and associate with other people. Re: exercise: set a goal that is less than what you can achieve, but do it every day! Then, increase to a higher level after you have developed the habit of doing it every day. Thirdly, try to develop a positive mindset - think about how good you are going to feel, how well you are sleeping, how your digestion is better because you drink a little less, how your mind is clear. I would add as a fellow Christian, to learn to pray for guidance and support and thank the Holy Spirit!

If scientists force us to accept the uniqueness, the individuality, the humanity of the child in the womb, we're going have to reconsider our attitudes toward sex.

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