Friday, May 25, 2018

Just One Small Voice

Guest post by Suzann Darnall

I know my Netflix account being active or cancelled is not going to make or break Netflix. But, I object greatly to sending my money to a corporation which is colluding with a former President of the United States to spread anti-American propaganda worldwide. So, I figure they can do without my few dollars per month while they do it and cancelled my Netflix account. There are certainly enough other venues for finding old television shows and movies for me to watch while I do my quilting.

I also know that me not watching the NFL or the NBA is not likely to impact their bottom line, either. But, it makes me feel better to know that my most precious commodity, time, is not being wasted watching a bunch of ungrateful multi-millionaires disrespect country, flag, military, and/or first responders. I am no longer 100% certain who is exactly protesting against what with the kneeling ‘cause the story kinda morphed and changed as things went along. But, the kneeling or hiding in the locker room is enough to make me not want to watch these guys any more.

I am just as well aware that my avoidance of Hollywood’s newly released movies is not gonna ‘cause them much financial distress. But, again, I feel good about preserving my resources of time and money for other occasions which I consider worthwhile. Visiting with family. Going on a date with my husband. Lunch with a friend. Just hanging out at home watching the fireflies hovering amidst woods and meadows. Lots of good times can be had without contributing one thin dime to the leftist haters of movie land. Those who want to deny rights to us who disagree with their rather bizarre views of what they want for America and the world.

Yes, I am just one small voice. But, I also know that when I express my opinion, I find out that there are other small voices saying the same things. As I listen more closely, I find out that there are really quite a few of us expressing similar opinions. And, guess what? We are actually not some insignificant minority of the population. It turns out that there are a number of us voicing our dislike for those who seemingly do not love America and Americans.

It is true that each of us is just one small voice. But, all together we are a powerful expression of reason. We can speak the truth to combat the lies being spread by the left. We can teach our children to discern right from wrong when they are exposed to leftist propaganda. So, speak up and speak out! Your one small voice just might make the difference whether someone hears the message of hope and truth which we must spread in this time of need.

Read more by Suzann at WoolyMammoth.Org

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