Monday, May 28, 2018

Fascinating interview regarding Electro Magnetic Pulse threats

This is the second one of these Mark Levine interview shows I have watched, and both have been very informative. Today's guest is Peter Pry, an expert in Electro Magnetic Pulse and Director of our national EMP Task Force. He has written a book entitled "Blackout Wars."

Did Obama give any attention to the possibility of a nuclear explosion in our atmosphere that would result in 90% of us dying? No! Why? It did not fit into their narrative (Iran nuclear deal). Mr. Pry said he and other experts believe Iran already has the bomb and has had it for some years! Obama didn't want it known and didn't want to talk about!

North Korea has two satellites flying over America several times a day at an altitude above our nuclear defense capabilities! They could make an EMP field and detonate a satellite that could already be nuclear armed! The EMP Commission has recommended that these satellites be shot down!

We have no prevention capability south of America because we assumed any attack would come from Russia or China!

Russia, Iran, North Korea and Iran have all been poking around to test our capabilities.

Mr. Pry tells of two cyber attacks that have been undertaken against our military, one by China and one by Russia. Another interfered with White House communications for about a week! We have not taken precautions to protect ourselves! We have known how to protect our entire national grid against a nuclear attack for fifty years, but the $2-3 billion dollars required has not been approved (until Trump stopped it, we gave away $2 billion dollars every year to Pakistan!)

Why hasn't this been done? The electric power industry doesn't want to do anything to prevent EMP. They have very deep pockets and own half of K Street. They are the last critical infrastructure that regulates itself!

Pry gives President Trump an A+. Obama never let the Commission meet with anyone in his administration!

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