Monday, May 28, 2018

Enjoy the warm weather!

Gregory Wrightstone writes at Lifezette,
...The blessed rise of temperature that we are experiencing is lifting us out of the death-dealing cold of the horrific Little Ice Age, when half the population of Iceland perished. The beginning of this warming started in the late 1600s, long before man could have had any effect on temperature.

In fact, the rate of warming over the first 40 years of the trend, extending into the early 1700s, was several times the rate of the 20th-century warming and was 100 percent naturally driven.

At least the first 150 years of our current warming trend were also entirely naturally driven — and contributed about the same amount of warming as the past 150 or so years, during which we have been adding CO2 to the atmosphere.

The question is not whether the planet is warming. It is, and demonstrably so. We know this from both direct measurement and thousands of historical records.

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The real question is, did the natural forces that were driving the temperature increase in the 17th century or, for that matter, over the past hundreds of millions of years, suddenly stop for some reason in the 20th century? Of course not, but that is what the ayatollahs of alarmism want you to believe.

So why the media firestorm and portrayal of the latest data as dangerous? H. L. Mencken warned us of imaginary “hobgoblins of alarm” that governments needed to create to frighten the population into accepting onerous regulations such as the Paris climate accord. Climate change today is one of those hobgoblins of alarm used to convince people that our current warming is “unusual and unprecedented” when it is neither.

Six hundred million months of below-average temperature, or 400 months of above-average temperature? Both are true, depending on which metric you choose to use, but the media are publicizing what is designed to best promote the political agenda of catastrophic climate alarm.
Read more here.

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