Monday, May 28, 2018

Do we really need children?

At American Thinker, Tom Trinko reports,
To maintain a stable population the fertility rate, the number of children an average woman has, needs to be about 2.1. In 1960 the American fertility rate was about 3.6 and in 2015 it was about 1.8.

This is a big deal; a similar problem is what is driving the Islamification of Europe. Contrary to some conservatives, Frau Merkel didn’t invite millions of poorly educated sharia law-loving Muslims into Germany just because she likes Islam. She did so because you can’t sustain a welfare state when your population is shrinking. The fertility rate in Germany has always been lower than the U.S., about 1.5 in 2015, so Germany is facing a serious problem due to a lack of Germans.
Read more here.

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